
Mid summer news

What a fantastic summer it has been for the yoga community on Martha's Vineyard! New teachers, new venues, workshops, the free community classes at the Yoga Barn and the Bodhi Path, kirtans, and new ways to build community between us - like this blog,, and Facebook.

I am pleased to announce that I have been recommended by Primo Lombardi for the Anusara Yoga Certification process! In the months to come I will be videotaping classes to submit to my certification assessor and completing a 30 - 40 hour exam. This is the final phase of my sankalpa, or intention, that I set in the fall of 2003. My gratitude for all of you that have supported me on this journey will never wain.

September 2, at VCM Yoga, I'll be teaching a workshop entitled "Finding the Freedom Within", an exploration of yoga and pranayama practices that are helpful in dealing with anxiety. This workshop is suitable for any level of yoga practitioner, even beginners. We'll use the Universal Principles of Alignment™ to bring ease of movement, grounding, and stress relief to your body and learn to breathe in a way that calms the fluctuations of the mind caused by anxiety. The workshop is 1 - 3:30 PM and costs $30.00. VCM Yoga cardholders receive 15% off the class fee.
Shoot me an email for more information.